Northwood Spotlight: Liz Kuhn

PALS Coach and Paraprofessional




What grade/area do you teach/support and how long have you been in education?

I am the  P.A.L.S. (Practicing and Learning Skills) coach for grades K-5. As the PALS coach I provide extra support for kids who are nominated, usually by their teacher or through the SST or BGT team, who may need some help with social, emotional,positive behavior support for inside and out of the classroom, goal setting and monitoring of goals,  in partnership with teachers and parents. I’m also part of the Student Support Team. I’ve been in education as a para for about nineteen years, beginning at West Mercer in the inclusive preschool program, then on to Lakeridge, and from there to Northwood beginning the opening school year of 16/17. 



What is your favorite sport or hobby to do when you are not at school?

I love going to hot yoga classes accompanied with good music, reading, gardening outside, riding my mountain bike, paddle boarding, movies, card games, also baking (:



Where is your favorite place to vacation?

The ocean and Lake Chelan!


What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

Throughout my early twenties, I spent most weekends traveling with a group of friends dirt biking in various events all over Washington, Oregon, and Canada. I decided it was time to stop that when I hit the ripe old age of 25.


What are some small things that make your day better?

Yummy hot coffee in the morning. When I see a child happy at school. They are delightful. When I get home and the weather is decent, I can mess with the plants in my yard, or just curl up with a good book, or hang out with family.




Tell us about your immediate family and pets.

My husband and I have been married for 32(!) years. We have two pretty great, fabulous grown sons- ages 31 and 27 and a sassy  German Shorthair dog named Dixie. Our oldest, David, is living with his wife in Bellevue and our youngest, Jon is living in Bellingham with his girlfriend. We love spending time with our family enjoying home dinners, short travels and just hanging out together.


What is your favorite band or artist to listen to?

I love basically all music, it’s one of my favorite ways to relax.


February 2023