Northwood Spotlight: Sean O'Callaghan




Kindergarten Teacher


What grade/area do you teach/support and how long have you been in education?

For the four years I have been in teaching, I have taught Kindergarten at Northwood.


What is your favorite sport or hobby to do when you are not at school?

I like running far in our brutal and beautiful mountains here in the Pacific Northwest.


Where is your favorite place to vacation?

Big Sur


What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

One time I parked my old pickup truck in San Diego, rode the train to Tijuana,  walked across the border into Mexico, and without knowing a lick of Spanish, I hitchhiked to Guatemala and back.




Tell us about your immediate family and pets.

My daughter Maple is 16, my son Rainier is 5, and my rescue pets, Bailey Dog and Marta cat are between 10 and 12.


If money were no object, what is something you would buy or somewhere you would go?

I’d be like the kitten in the cream if I could  get one of those silly sprinter vans and disappear into National Parks for long periods of time.


June 2022