Northwood Spotlight: Trina Sherman
2nd Grade Teacher


Where are you originally from and what brought you to Mercer Island schools?
I grew up in a small town in Montana. I moved to the Seattle area because I needed a change from the Montana scene. One of my brothers lived here with his family including a little nephew that I adored.


What grade/area do you teach/support and how long have you been in education?
I am currently teaching 2 nd grade. I’ve been teaching for 28 years- hard for me to believe!



What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
I went down a crazy, whitewater river north of here. A colleague was earning her guiding license and needed volunteers for a run. At one point, they pulled off the river to show us the next section, called Boulder Drop, explaining it was dangerous and asking if we preferred to walk down. I, of course, thought “No way would they put us in such a dangerous situation.” So, I rafted down. Our raft crashed into the huge boulder set in the middle of the river several times before we could get around it. One of the rescue kayakers had fallen out of his kayak and his partner was downriver looking for him. The other two rafts got stuck on other rocks. I have never been so scared in my whole life. That was a one and done
adventure for me!

If you had the day to yourself, how would you spend it?
I would start it with a latte and reading. Then, I’d go for a walk with a friend followed by brunch. After that, I would putter around the house reading, watching TV, and cleaning.


If money were no object, what is something you would buy or somewhere you would go?
I would really like to buy an RV along with a car and travel the country. There are so many places in the United States I have never been and it would be a great way to see all the national parks, too. I had a blast driving from Sandpoint, Idaho to St. Petersburg, Florida this summer with my brother and nephew.

What is something you’ve been meaning to try, but haven’t gotten around to it?
I would like to walk the El Camino de Santiago pilgrimage trail.


January 2023