Northwood Spotlight: Laurie Elggren
Special Services Resource Room Para




What is your role at Northwood and how long have you worked here?
ECSE Para – since the school year opened, been in the districted ECSE for 12 years.
What drew you to your current position? 
I went back to work when my youngest started 1stgrade at West Mercer.  I love working with children in a school setting.
What makes Northwood special to you? 
The talent and passion of the ECSE team.
What is your favorite part of your day at NW? 
Music and Movement; Artwork and Project time
What is the first thing you do when you wake up? 
Varies – usually walk, yoga or read
Sport: Rowing – watching my kids! 
Book: Les Miserables
Vacation Spot: Beach
Movie: Lord of the Rings
Activities: Hiking, reading, movies, kayaking
Anything unique you’d like to share? I want to go to Disneyland with my family at Christmas!



April 2019